
ITU’s International Certificate Program in Logistics Management

ITU’s International Certificate Program in Logistics Management is a distance-learning program which comprises different disciplines in transport and logistics. It is developed in collaboration with the Istanbul Technical University (ITU) and the International Transport Association (UND).

ITU’s International Certificate Program in Logistics Management is the first international certificate program in Turkey in the field of transportation and logistics. The program offers a unique expert capacity on special fields of transportation and an international approach including experiences from different continents over a network of scientists, administrators, consultants and other professionals.

The content of the program has been developed in a consultative manner over a period of more than three years, with the joint effort of experts from Istanbul Technical University, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Lisbon Technical University / MIT Portugal, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Middle East Technical University, Sabancı University and International Transport Association (UND). Its curriculum depends on the analysis of existing courses and practices, investigation of current research and educational trends in transport and logistics, under consultation of experts within and external to the partnership. Trends in logistics and transportation are investigated to design a curriculum that will reflect the requirements into the future, as well as the needs of industry.

The program brings innovation in the field of logistics education in terms of both implementation techniques, curriculum, and educational scope. 

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Prof. Dr. Dilay Çelebi 
Program Coordinator

 The rapid evolution of logistics industry both in terms of scale and scope of services is creating the need for a whole new set of skills along with an ever increasing requirement of skilled and trained humanpower.

The aim of the program is to address the serious labor shortage problem in logistics sector and to support the logistics sector by developing skills for logistics employees to ensure a future provision of managers, planners and associated office workers with adequate skills.